NFT Parameters
Efficiency affects the amount of STE earned per energy. The higher the efficiency, the more STE is earned.
Luck affects the frequency and quality of mystery box drops.
Resilience affects the rate of decay of Durability. The higher the resilience, the slower the decay of durability. As users use NFT, its durability decreases. When durability decreases, efficiency and other parameters are negatively affected. Durability can be restored by spending tokens (Repair).
Additionally, one or two other parameters will be added in the future.
Types of NFT
There are four types of NFT, which are designed according to driving habits (how often and how long a user usually drives).
Short Driver
Suitable for users who drive relatively short distances or for short periods of time, with an estimated time to consume one energy of 5 minutes.
Normal Driver
Suitable for users who drive a general distance or for a long period of time, with an estimated time to consume one energy of 10 minutes.
Long Driver
Suitable for users who drive relatively long distances or for long periods of time, with an estimated time to consume one energy of 15 minutes.
Almighty Driver (Under Development)
This is a special NFT that allows the user to set the amount of time to consume 1 energy.
The amount of tokens earned per energy is Short Driver < Normal Driver < Long Driver <= Almighty Driver. However, the amount of tokens per energy is not constant and is affected by random numbers.
Rarities of NFT
NFT have the concept of rarity: when minting an NFT, the value of each parameter of the NFT is randomly determined between a minimum and a maximum value according to the rarity of the NFT.
Levels of NFT
NFT level up by spending tokens. Leveling up takes a certain amount of time and the amount of time and tokens consumed increases with the NFT's level. The speed of leveling up can also be increased by consuming additional tokens. Upon leveling up, points are awarded according to the rarity of the NFT. These points can be assigned to each parameter of the NFT.
Base Stats of NFT (Under Development)
NFT in DRIVEARTH is a combination of a robot and a car. There are different types of robots such as Rabbit, Owl, Frog, etc. We are considering implementing the concept of base stats according to these animal types (details to be determined).
Last updated